Letter to Pastors

dear pastor

Click here to download a PDF version of this letter.

Dear Pastor(s),

This is urgent news that I pray you will provide to your pastors and staff for sharing to the broader community.  The information contained herein is relevant specifically to B.C., however Ontario, Manitoba, and Alberta are also being targeted with priority.

The BC Ministry of Education has mandated a new curriculum. The new curriculum is values-neutral and shifts from a logical, analytical, fact based platform to a “holistic,” ”non-linear,” “it is how you say it, not what you say” form of indoctrination.  Report cards with grades no longer exist; children now self-assess. Most concerning is the defilement of children through the now mandatory core component that has been integrated in every grade level and every subject; SOGI.

SOGI stands for “Sexual Orientation Gender Identity.” It is the rebrand of LGBTQ2++.   SOGI is at work already.  In the classroom, teachers have been instructed not to refer to children as “boys” or “girls” but only as students; to do so assigns a binary gender that the child might not choose to be identified by.  Mothers and fathers have now ceased to exist, as teachers are now required to refer to those persons or someone acting in that role as “guardian” or “adult.” Unicorns and gingerbread figures instruct innocent young children about their 63 ++ genders that they can choose from while 10 year-olds are given instruction in blow-jobs and 16 year-olds study porn. Private schools will not be immune.

The “Sex Positive” framework supports the anything-goes revamped sex ed.  No mention of values, morals or social responsibility as it relates to sex.  As a practice religious viewpoints are undermined, devalued and associated with a restrictive, conformist assault upon one’s personal autonomy that students shouldn’t have to be subjected to by their church or parents.  The “education” is explicit.

The good news is that I am getting calls from pastors, other faith leaders and parents around the province wanting more information and organizing meetings.  I will be holding a number of Town Hall Meet-Ups – similar to what we did back in 2001 when BC rose up, with the help of the faith communities, against the anti-family agenda of the NDP and electorally obliterated them.  I am in the process of developing an information bulletin for pastors about SOGI, but for now I am providing you with this quick overview of this lethal agenda.

I am providing you with a few links.  I hope this email finds you; sometimes email profanity filters redirect my emails because of certain words.  The irony is that BC Classrooms embrace those same words.

I also hope that you will stand with the thousands of BC parents that are uniting to expose this evil and stand against it.

Silence is the voice of submission.

Please let me know if you are willing to help.

SOGI Backgrounder

Back to School Parent Warning SOGI ++ Brochure

Vancouver Secondary School hosts “Sex at Lunch”

Is Your Child Being Manufactured Into a Sex Activist Pawn?


Kari Simpson

CultureGuard.com      604 514-1614

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