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7 Thoughts to “8-Year Old Girl Talks About SOGI in Her School”

  1. lana liu

    A elementary girl said she wants to be a trans, it’s cool. Because she will have SOGI to protect her. SOGI put kids in a bubble, leads them to a wrong way of dealing with the daily life pressure and problem. That’s cause high suicide risk after they grow up.

  2. zalman

    its sick thank you Justin… fy

  3. Marina

    Kudos to this child and her parents for exposing the agenda of indoctrination through SOGI.
    May many more have the courage to come forward.

  4. Maria Broda

    It is very clear that teachers are trying to indoctrinate children through their program and turn them into a binary being. To me this is blatant exploitation of children and brain washing. This should be stopped. Thanks you for doing this interview.

  5. Kathy Leland

    Very smart little girl…I wonder how many more children out there are feeling the same as her. We have to encourage children like her to speak out and encourage the other children to do the same.

  6. Lynda

    Wow. Amazing young lady. Thank you for sharing.

  7. lori wells

    It’s sad that it has come to this. Unfortunately, the teachers who are teaching this ACTUALLY BELIEVE they are liberating these children and teaching tolerance (anti-bulleying). Justin Trudeau promotes tolerance of EVERYTHING that makes him look good and gets him votes. How else can you explain dancing in a pride parade one day and bowing down in a mosque the next. These two practices are not compatible in any way. Does he have no brains? Yes he has a brain…one that tells him he needs to brown-nose everyone and tolerate everything to be popular with everyone and in so doing believing in nothing and doing nothing to support nothing.

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