Men are NOT Women!

Open petition to members of the Canadian media (and ALL other countries)

STOP the Name-Game – Men are NOT Women!!

A disturbing trend is recurring within news reports—something that is offensive, disrespectful to women and makes those reporting the “news” appear to be promoters of “fake news”.

I refer to the newly-adopted media practice of describing men who assign themselves with a biologically false identity and reporting on them as if they are a woman. Media consumers deserve the facts, not nonsense.

A man dressing up as a woman is still a man. A man cosmetically and/or surgically altering his physical appearance is still a biological male. Stop discrediting yourselves and your profession.

Read the rest of the Petition and Sign here.

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One Thought to “Men are NOT Women!”

  1. Grace Kamps

    We don’t let our 14 year olds drive. We won’t allow them to drink alcohol. We won’t support their possible desire to take heroin. They cannot vote. Yet they are deemed, by Children’s hospital to be mature enough to understand, and be responsible for, the long term and life altering implications of a course of action involving radical chemicals and surgical removal of body parts and other alterations to their bodies? This decision by Children’s hospital defies logic.

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