Letter to Michelle Rempel re Oger

Michelle Rempel,

MP for Calgary Nose Hill

RE: Your regrettable Promotion of Morgane Oger Foundation

May 27, 2018

Dear Ms. Rempel –

As this information will be circulated on social media and through our contacts, I’m informing you that I will be encouraging my fellow Canadians—those who haven’t drunk the sex activist (SOGI) Kool-Aid—to contact you, either through your email: michelle.rempel@parl.gc.ca or by phone: 613-992-4275 (Ottawa) or 403-216-7777 (Constituency Office in Calgary).

And as you have drawn the Conservative Party into this circus, I’m asking that complaints also be registered with Andrew Scheer.  For those reading this correspondence and want to send a clear message of complaint about your conduct they can email Andrew Scheer at andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca or call 613 992-4593.

My name is Kari Simpson. I’m Executive Director for CultureGuard, and have a long and successful history of exposing and defeating political agendas that are destructive to Canada—especially ones that target children.

Earlier today Julia, the receptionist at your Ottawa office, confirmed that you have agreed to host a reception in Ottawa on May 29, 2018 for an anti-free speech, pro-oppression militant political operative named Morgane Oger (who is Vice President for the BC NDP), and his so-called “foundation” the Morgane Oger Foundation.

Early in my conversation with Julia I informed her that I would provide you with information of which your staff should have made you aware prior to agreeing to lend your name to such an event; and hopefully provide a window of opportunity for you to withdraw, prior to me making this information public.

Regrettably, Julia’s attitude and misguided arrogance has altered my willingness to accommodate any opportunity for you to reconsider your support of this ridiculous event before making it public.  But I do hope you will reconsider your participation in this façade; and that in the future, you’ll train your staff to be more courteous to those who are attempting to help you.

I trust, Ms. Rempel, that you can explain to Canadians, especially conservatives, why you are going to lend your name—and that of the Conservative Party—to such a farce of an event.  

Here are some questions that now deserve to be answered:

  1. Are you really so gullible about the sex activists’ agenda that you can be punked by the likes of Morgane Oger?”
  2. Is the calibre of your staff so lacking that it failed to do proper due diligence, and provide you with a summary of Mr. Oger’s antics?
  3. Do men in lipstick get special privilege and access to you?
  4. Despite great attempts to rally people for the announcement of The Morgane Oger Foundation, at its creation less than 10 people showed up.  Do you find that impressive?
  5. The Morgane Oger Foundation uses a virtual address with a post office box shared by 100 other “businesses”—does that not raise warning flags? Let me help you get informed: click here.
  6. The use of the word “Foundation” implies a charitable organization. But the Oger Foundation is not a registered charity.  Did anyone check to see if the organization is operating legally?
  7. Mr. Oger is being sued for more than $100,000 by the Sechelt Indian Band for allegedly not paying rent. Are you aware of this? Let me help you get informed: click here.
  8. Are you aware that more than 100 Canadian feminists have signed on to a letter demanding the BC NDP condemn and address the behaviour of its Vice President, Morgane Oger, for hunting down and threatening a woman carrying a sign? Let me help you get informed: click here.
  9. Mr. Oger continually resorts to nasty, venomous rhetoric—which, by association, you are now endorsing.  Are you aware of his comments at a recent counter-rally? On seven days notice, 400 British Columbians came together to oppose the SOGI agenda that is attacking our children.  Muslims, Christians, Sikhs—Koreans, Chinese, Romanians, Russians—Canadians united! Union thugs and SOGI activists, including Mr. Oger, cobbled together their typical 120 or so professional protesters and a very few others (98% Caucasian) to protest the truly diverse rally of concerned Canadians.

Morgane Oger never fails to take advantage of an opportunity to make a spectacle of himself; and with megaphone in hand, Mr. Oger spouted off this demeaning, disrespectful rhetoric, slandering those gathered to protect children.  Here is a transcript of Mr. Oger’s comments:


Time stamp 27:49

“(Unintelligible)… the issue is everybody in Canada deserves to be equally protected, and equally respected and equally held-up by our society a valid member of our society even those those homophobic assholes—and everybody has the right to be who they are even if they are transphobic assholes; and everybody, and every single one of us gets to swing their arms as wildly as they want as long as they don’t hit someone else’s nose, even transphobic assholes, even certified bigots. And one of the ways to do this is, we keeping teaching schools to be what? To be not transphobic assholes, racist assholes or bigots of any kind. In Canada we tolerate bigotry, but we do not enable it.  Are you all taking pictures of yourselves and posting them on social media… let’s get a good hashtag… down with…”

My question: Ms. Rempel, do you support calling Canadians representing true diversity and standing to protect all children “assholes”, “bigots” …?  

  1. Mr. Oger is abusing our BC Human Rights commission to bully people into conforming to his delusion that he is a woman.  Mr. Oger is not a woman, and never will be.

Like most Canadians, I support his right, and that of others, to wear high heels, wigs and lipstick…  But like most Canadians, I do not want to pay for his surgical fantasies that include cutting off healthy body parts; but I support his right to do so if that makes him happy.

I, as a Canadian, do not want his sexual activities to skew statistics and other crucial information needed to determine what is factually transpiring within the female or male populations as it relates to health issues. Sexually promiscuous men who want to identify as women are still biologically male; and the repercussions of their activities should not affect/skew/screw-up the right of Canadians to determine who is being socially irresponsible and who is over-represented in such things as health care related costs—costs paid for by tax-payers—such as epidemic rates of sexually transmitted diseases, or other life-style related illnesses.

Ms. Rempel, are you aware that Mr. Oger is currently embroiled in a Human Rights complaint against an individual who won’t kowtow to Mr. Oger’s delusion that he is a woman? If so, do you support this action?

  1. Because Mr. Oger frequently engages in defamatory comments, he is about to be sued—by me.  Do you really want to be associated as supporting such a mean-spirited, irresponsible, narcissistic liar?  

I could—and upon your request, I will—provide you with pages of evidence detailing this man’s harmful and destructive behaviour; but the above should be enough to convince any right-minded individual, politically motivated or otherwise, that she should withdraw from any “reception” involving the Morgane Oger Foundation.  

I will also take this matter up with the Conservative Party hierarchy.  In case you are unaware, Ms. Rempel, the tide has turned on the sex activists’ agenda.  The measurable costs to taxpayers is now vastly more influential than the propaganda associated with the LGBTQ/SOGI sex activists’ bullying political agenda.  

Perhaps you should become better informed.

Please feel free to contact me at any time, if you need better information on events or initiatives involving sex activists.

Kari Simpson

Executive Director, CultureGuard

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12 Thoughts to “Letter to Michelle Rempel re Oger”

  1. Michelle

    Thank God NCOSE (national centre for sexual exploitation) and parents influenced Show Dogs to cut their troubling “grooming” scenes, where children could get the message that unwanted touching is okay. Even worse they put forth the message that if one doesn’t submit, harm might befall a loved one.
    I am very troubled by a video I saw featuring a transactivist in Vancouver who had murder and canibal sketches (featuring people like Ramirez, Dalmer…) in the proximity of young children. It was a Qmunity member and the video was by Gavin McInnis.
    Scary that we can’t assume our children are being looked after at a system level!

  2. Leona Conolly

    I was shocked and appalled at your recent decision to stand with and promote Morgan Oger, a radical sex activist. We as a family are in complete agreement with Kari Simpson’s letter. We as a family have supported the Conservatives for many years because they have been an opponent to these radicals that don’t even represent or speak for the majority of LGBT folks including myself.

  3. Gordon

    Kari- thank you for being on top of this reprobate’s demonic agenda. I will be contacting Michelle Rempel. I am shocked she has fallen for this trap.

  4. I just learned about sogi123 on Saturday & every mom ( a total of 3) whom I mentioned it to in 48hrs has never heard of it!
    I almost vomited and had he same response by another mom.
    Why haven’t parent of school age children been notified about these changes in our children’s curriculum??
    Any how I fully support what you are doing and want to speak out about the SOGI plans to brain wash our non pubescent children.

    1. Michelle

      Even worse, I heard that any teacher can read materials like I am Jazz or other gender dysphoric materials even to Kindergarteners because the CBE does not consider that sex Ed. I think they believe it’s just a citizenship or ‘safe and caring’ thing.

  5. Art Klassen

    Don’t pander to special interests! Look after mainstream!

  6. Kari:
    Excellent letter…..keep up the great work…..


  7. James Christian

    Thank you for your clear and unambiguous take on this ridiculous situation. This “Oger” character is not only an entertaining political diversion, but moreso, an example of the madness, the lunacy, growing in some quarters of our society. Grown men parading around in women’s clothing — OK, they can do that if they so choose, but they should be laughed out of public view rather than praised and given opportunity to pervert the minds of impressionable young people. And, certainly, they should not have their fantasies paid for out of my tax dollars!

    Thank you for speaking up. And, shame on MP Rempel.. someone for whom I used to have a lot of respect. What’s happening to these “Conservatives”??

    1. James Christian

      After learning more about this sad development, I have to say this..

      The current CPC leaves an insipid taste in my mouth — time for a real change.

      Although I’ve been (very) involved in the CPC over the years, even being a Board member on the Halifax EDA, I now recommend people more closely examine their involvement in a party that is positioning itself only one centimeter to the ‘right’ of the federal Liberals. THAT is not a small-c conservative party. If the Christian Heritage Party runs a candidate anywhere near our location I will do anything I can to help them! They are the ONLY pro-life, pro-family values federal party in the country. Plus, I respect their policies on economic issues, immigration, national defense et cetera.

  8. Jim Smart

    You may use my email I personally sent to Michelle and Andrew.
    Dear Ms Rempel,
    I am writing this letter to ask that you not support the Morgane Oger Foundation in any way shape or form as a member of the Conservative Party! My study and what I have learned of this organization and its founder are reprehensible and disheartening and that a as member of a party we have supported over the years we are taken aback that you (as a Conservative MP) would support such a so called “foundation”.
    My email may be somewhat late in coming to you for todays meeting but I can only hope that the members of our parliament, especially of the Conservative Party, are of the moral standard that represents far more Canadians than the voices that seem huge out there today.
    Please do not fall into the rhetoric or so-called popular voices out there today. Please stand for what is morally right. I am appalled at the moral decline facing our children and what they have to face today all in the name of “acceptance”. Do you know that if we accept everything, then we stand for nothing. This can be the perception at least.

    Now let me make it clear. I am writing this in the respect of the Conservative Party whom I have felt stood for the moral and right values my parents and generations of my Canadian family has stood for over my short 60 years here in Canada. If you want to personally support Mr. Oger that is your right and freedom. Just please do not stand up as a Conservative member and support such.

    I am one voice but I can only hope that this one voice is truly representing the greater fabric of our Canadian society.

    For the record, I have over my lifetime lived and worked around and with a vast number of people who have been of every gender and sexual orientation and have always treated them with respect and dignity. Never can anyone accuse me of hating anyone of different beliefs or persuasions, I was taught to respect all men and woman and how they choose to live their lifes is their business. However, if that “business” starts to infringe and be pushed onto my grandchildren that is when I have to speak up. I choose not to support non-heterosexualism simply because it goes against the natural fabric of the human being, but I support that person as a human being. You see you can love and respect a human being even tho you disagree with their personal decisions. Lets wake up and realize to follow the crowd is not always the best direction.

    Thank you for your time.

    Jim Smart
    Langley, B.C.

  9. Jennifer McLintock

    Thank you for what you do.

  10. Shelly

    Great job Culture Guard! I phoned Michelle Rempel’s office and sent her and Andrew Sheer an email regarding this meet and greet with Morgane Oger. I am very discouraged that the Conservatives are trying to be so PC and so called “inclusive”. Parents rights are systematically being taken away and children are being indoctrinated in this “social Construct” that gender is fluid and non-binary. Madness. Morgane Oger does not think children should listen to their parents- but instead decide for them selves. Yes, that way he and the schools can dictate their hidden agendas. So sad that the conservatives did not do more research on this. The vast majority of Canadians would be against these radical unscientific SOGI curriculums. Especially if they realised they were being pushed by sexactivists and looked at what was being taught . Wake up Canada and see what is really going on around you and in your schools

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