Teacher Bully

Captured on video: a Burnaby school teacher intimidating a young student when he raises – in a proper manner in a proper forum – the issue of teachers bullying students in school.

Join Kari Simpson and Ron Gray in this “RoadKill Radio” webcast as they interview the young man about the incident.

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7 Thoughts to “Teacher Bully”

  1. […] to the school trustee candidates, was verbally attacked by Freeman who was caught on video! (Click here for […]

  2. […] to the school trustee candidates, was verbally attacked by Freeman who was caught on video! (Click here for […]

  3. If a child is going to get up at an adult forum , he has to be prepared to be dealt with as an adult. More importantly, it was an inappropriate question to ask a candidate. There is a stated proces to take when one questions a teacher’s actions as was outlined by Ms.Freeman in her response. The only thing Ms. Freeman did wrong was to speak ‘out of order’ which is done quite a bit at any type of meeting. What you have also failed to mention is that this boy’s mother is a candidate for the Burnaby Parent’s Voice, a group of parents that have organized themselves against Burnaby’s Anti-homophobia campaign. When is this teacher-bashing going to stop? Also, it is unfortunate that a child is being dragged into the arena of civic politics when it was clearly demonstrated he is not emotionally mature to handle it.

    1. Poor MAHiggins: You don’t have ANY of your facts straight! The questions was ON TOPIC and exactly what these candidates were addressing at the moment. The moderator admonished Ms. Freeman for being out of line. The boy’s mother, Jade Tomelden, was and still is an independent candidate and was in NO WAY a part of Burnaby Parents’ Voice. It was only after this incident that she and BPV endorsed each other. As for young West Tomelden’s maturity, check him out at http://roadkillradio.com/2011/11/15/bully-teacher-exposed-videos-don%E2%80%99t-lie/ . In that interview, you’ll learn that the “stated process” was immediately followed by West and that no disciplinary action appeared to have taken place, hence the question at this forum. Ms. Freeman was rude, ill-informed, condescending, and procedurally wrong. She bullied a young man with a legitimate concern for his own safety and the safety of other students. Teacher-bashing will stop when teachers stop bullying kids and stop covering it up and stop excluding parents from the learning process. I have to wonder by your comments, MAHiggins, if you actually support bullying, censorship, and usurping parental rights?

    2. MyTwoCents

      You didn’t finish watching the video. The boy question was “on topic about safety” (as quoted from the moderator). You should finish watching the video. Then you will understand that the boy question was appropriate and it was inappropriate for the teacher, Sharon Freeman, to interrupted.

      So the boy’s mother is running for something, but it still doesn’t change the fact the question was valid and the teacher interrupted him. I find it ironic, that Freeman thinks the boy has a “responsibility” to his teacher. It likes “go complain to the teacher that you don’t think it was appropriate to tape other student lips”. Kid must be thinking the teacher might turn around and tape his lips for complaining.

      In any case, the situation was reported to the principal but nothing happens.

  4. Gunner

    Appropriate response would to have her arrested for assault and battery of a minor. Why in the schools is it so allowable for adults to abuse kids without appropriate recourse? A crime is a crime. Due to the BCTF they are just a bunch of scum bags that the govt allows to operate above the law.

  5. u2zoo24

    Am I the only one who finds this teachers “timing” suspect. Just as the boy is about to have the question answered she stands up to interupt and bully the boy. Clearly she is trying to hide something. Also one minute she says she believes the boy and the next she says “No teacher in burnaby would allow this” Which is it?

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