“Out In Schools”, Part 1 (Chinese version)

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Out In Schools Scam, Part 1 (Chinese)
Out In Schools Scam, Part 1 (Chinese)

(Please be patient if download is slow.)

I’m Kari Simpson, President of Culture Guard. As parents we have a duty to protect our children and to know what is transpiring in their classrooms. 
我是Kari Simpson, 文化衛士協會主席,作為家長我們有責任去保護我們的孩子,要知道在他們的教室內發生甚麼

Over the last decade there has been an aggressive political agenda within our public education system to sexualize youth and to encourage them not only to accept, but to experiment with sexual diversity including homosexual sex.

Most parents trust their local school and believe programs like OUT IN SCHOOLS are appropriately researched and approved by the government.
 大多數家長信任他們的學校局,且相信如Out In School等項目是經過政府研究和批准

Regrettably this is not true… 

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