Call to Action: Pray, Stand and Fight

Pastor Paul Dirks on SOGI 123

by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson CALL TO ACTION — PRAY, STAND AND FIGHT I have wrestled for days internally with the battle that lies ahead. I ask you to fight with me. I ask you to pray. Although this is a bit lengthy, it will prepare you to fight back and give you the practical tools to fight SOGI 123. The work of Kari Simpson and Culture Guard is well documented. We recently linked arms with an educated researcher to give you tools to stand up to the tide of political correctness where tolerance…

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Transcript of Gay and Transgender Research by Paul Dirks

You have seen the video, now here is the transcript with links to the research he quotes. Get informed, and then inform others!! Click here to download PDF version of this transcript. Thank you everybody and thank you Laura Lynn and Kari. The next 20 or 25 minutes are going to be like drinking from a fire hydrant. Ready? I want to share with you first of all and I’m so glad that my co-presenters have said this already very clearly. There is no place for hate here. Alright. I…

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